product design + ux

When you score the brand experience, you’re taking the time to think about the story moment-by-moment, and by doing so, creating a visceral, emotional connection to your brand.

Our cutting edge work in audio design for UX / UI, experiences, spaces, and products produces some of the most exciting, innovative, and creative solutions for our clients.

We apply a design-thinking approach to all of our sonic work, putting people at the center of each experience. With our ability to test for emotional appeal, brand attribution, and even response time, our research-backed solutions are not only proven to improve the customer journey, but also increase brand attribution and loyalty.

Be it an immersive art installation, a sports stadium, a smart product, an autonomous vehicle, or an app, the right sound at the right moment serves as a vital intuitive guide and branded moment.

Strategic brand sounds can shorten product learning curves, assist in wayfinding and navigation, and make room for clear communication. But bleeps and bloops can be emotional, too. Audio can bring a product’s personality to life in short-form cues that feel more like a conversation than just noise.

We believe sound should only be present when it contributes to the user experience in a positive way. Any sounds that get in the way or over-sonify are what we call “sonic trash”, and we love to take out the garbage.