Patatap Turns Your Computer Keyboard Into a Virtual Instrument

File this under the “why didn’t anyone think of this earlier?” category.

Patatap is a virtual instrument with accompanying graphics that uses keyboard buttons to create sound. The application was created by designer Jono Brandel who partnered with the composers at Lullatone – a husband and wife duo. This isn’t Brandel’s only project, and most of his work focuses on using technology to display various types of animation.

The application not only works perfectly on a web browser, but it’s a fantastic experience on mobile web as well using touch interface. As Brandel told, “Web technology is at a really interesting place where we can start to make projects like this. Today’s web technology, which harnesses processing power typically associated with native applications, lowers the barrier of entry for audience participation. In many ways, I think this is why the reception was so strong,” he said.

Not surprisingly, fans of the application are recording their own compositions using Patatap already. Try it for yourself!


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