Your Guide to Sonic Branding: 10 Must-Read Articles to Get Started
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We rounded up our top recommended reading on sonic branding: everything from boosting KPIs to hearing directly from the experts.
Future Sounds: Sonic Branding for New Technology
Every day, from the moment we wake up, we are immersed in sound.…
Sound Design, Robots, and Web3: The Road to Metashima
Web3 and NFTs first caught my interest in mid-2021. I love…
Audio Equilibrium: Finding Natural Balance in Our Soundscapes
Before we dive in, I invite you to pause for a minute. Listen to…
Worldbuilding: Where Gaming Meets Sound Design
Ever since I first held a Super Nintendo controller, I’ve been hooked on video…
How to Pick Your Sonic Branding Color Palette
User Interface (UI) sounds are the brief device sounds you hear when you interact with an app, product, or…
Making Of: The Sound of the Virgin Hyperloop
We had our team answer some questions on what it was like to design the sonic identity and passenger experience…
NYCxDESIGN's The Mic feat. MMS's Brian Scherman
Back in October 2020, we had the great honor of sending Made Music Studio‘s VP, Lead Music Producer and Director…
You Are Here: The Power of Sonic Branding in Physical Spaces
Live music was always the reason I wanted to move to New York…
How Sonic Branding Transforms Brand Experience
Technology now touches almost every experience we have. Smart tech is increasingly how brands target, find and captivate us, which makes…
Sonic Branding Agency Founder Has Ear-Catching Ideas for the New York City Subway
Check out Darryn King’s feature for Forbes on Joel Beckerman’s “ear-catching ideas for the New York City subway”: “Frankly, the…
How a Sonic Branding Agency Made Nissan's Electric Vehicles Sing
Check out Made Music Studio’s Danielle Venne speaking on our work with Nissan: Watch “How Silent Electric Vehicles Get Their…
VP Director of Biz Dev, Kristen Lueck at TEDx on Sound Strategy and Sonic Branding
Check out Made Music Studio’s VP, Director of Business Development and Partnerships, Kristen Lueck speaking at TEDx for EAE Business…
Can Sound Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice?
Twist, pop, Ahhhhhhhh. When craving a sweet and refreshing Snapple, all that stands in your way is a simple twist of…
Designing the Sound of Safety
I recently had the pleasure of speaking at the AES Automotive Conference in San Francisco…
Is Sound Design The Next Frontier For Sonic Branding?
Will Burns interviewed Joel Beckerman for Forbes about sonic branding. Check out an excerpt below: The musical truth is that…
Interview: How Curated Music Makes Hospital Stays More Pleasant
See Dr. Manny Alvarez’s interview with Joel Beckerman on Fox Extra below. Watch the latest video at…
Sonic Branding Agency Tackles the Sound of EVs
Made Music Studio partnered with ustwo to brainstorm what electric vehicles of the future might sound like. Thanks to Wired…
How Do You Connect Sonic Design with Brand DNA?
Check out Len Stein’s interview with Joel Beckerman over at Branding Magazine: Over time, sonic design has spread throughout the…